This week i had a conversation with my roommate on why it is important to attend the temple. Then i had a class assignment on the importance of the temple. So here are my thoughts on what i have learned.
Choice #5 (sections 95:8-17):
As the Saints endeavored to build a Temple, opposition from the Adversary intensified and the work stopped for a time. In these verses the Lord chastises the Saints and promises them the means to accomplish his commandment concerning building a Temple. What reasons did the Lord give for asking the Saints to build a Temple? How does the Temple fulfill those purposes? How does the Temple bless your life? What opposition do you face in getting to the Temple; what things do you put before it? How can you make the Temple more of a priority and center of your life?
The temple is the greatest blessing given to man in the present time. In the verses the lord tells us the reasons for why he wants this temple built. He states that he wants “the lower part of the inner court be dedicated unto me for your sacrament offering, and for your preaching, and your fasting, and your praying, and the offering up of your most holy desires unto me, saith your Lord.” In those times the chapel and the temple were in the same building. He wanted it to be a place of worship and a place where we can take the sacrament to renew our covenants. Its is very similar to our times because we use gathering buildings now to worship, take the sacrament, fast and offer our most holiest desires. In a way you can view our wards as small temples.
Then he says that he wants “the higher part of the inner court be dedicated unto me for the school of mine apostles, saith Son Ahman; or, in other words, Alphus; or, in other words, Omegus; even Jesus Christ your Lord. Amen.” This is think he refers to the actual sacred grounds of the temple. In the temple we have the special opportunity to converse with the lord by performing endowment sessions and being led by the Holy Ghost. I believe that this courtyard that he talks about it the holiest of holiest places in the temple where our prophet can converse with the lord and receive revelation.
Over all the temple fulfills all these purposes because we are able to offer up prayer to our heavenly father. We are able to perform the work for the dead. We can seal families for eternities. We can always learn a new thing every time we go an use it as a rock and foundation in our lives. We can come and converse with the lord and offer up special prayers for those in need. There are so many other things that we can do that really make this place a school for learning to all the members who are worthy to attend.
The temple blesses me in so many ways. Describing every blessing that I receive will make this a list that is never ending. However some of the blessings that stand out the most for me are that families can be together forever. This very blessing is so special to me. My husband and I barely got married and now we will be able to spend the rest of our eternity together. I could not imagine not living with him after this life and for this reason I am thankful that heavenly father had made it possible to be with your eternal companion through the eternities. I am thankful that the temple is not only for the living but also for the past and future generations. I am also thankful that we can attend as many times as we want to renew our covenants. I am thankful that they are everywhere in the world and this is a great blessing because I can attend anywhere and still feel like I am at home and everything is the same. This helps me allot right now in my internship because whenever I fell homesick I can always go to the temple and feel like I was at home.
Some of the oppositions that I face in trying to get to the temple are that sometimes it is too far or they have really random times for temple sessions. And it has been a trial to coordinates it with my work schedule. However I have marked my calendar ahead of time so that i don’t forget to make plans on days that I plan to go to the temple.
The temple is a priority in my life. If it weren’t for it I would be some crazy girl running around stressed for my life. The temple is a place of peace and calm. I view it as my sanctuary from this crazy world. It is my “comfort food.”
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